Good cheer = won't mention the extraordinarily expensive Bugners Christmas commercial that, although somewhat lovely in places, largely looks like it was shot on a sound stage in Ardmore. Meeeouch! Hope it won't lead to orchard silences round the boardroom table! (Cue sound of world's smallest drum kit going badum-tish!)
(Also promise to refrain from comparing and contrasting how Bugners and their customers choose to piss their money away!)
Instead, the horror! Imagine working as a designer on poster art for blockbusters like Batman? Not only do the fab art directors have to fork out a new gem on an almost weekly basis, the net is littered with thousands of fanposters designed by - surprise, surprise - fans - some of whom have really turned their obsession into serious works of art. Try staying one step ahead of them! This is a real one - I believe - and hot of the presses. Nice work guys!
Nothing added but design ...

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