Why-oh-why, or more importantly, how-oh-how did these abominations pass through sphincter after sphincter and onto our television screens?
'Leave 'em wanting more' is all very well but for god sake give us something in the first place! Sure, both have production values coming out of the wazoos and are superbly cast/shot/posted and whatever else. Both also are vacuous to the max.
I'm prepared to forgive BOI cuz they're bankers and really don't ever want to say anything in their ads in case it draws us little people's attention to how they actually make their money.
But Carlsberg? If you really want funny stories from a J1 trip to Boston - Ask me. I'm sure deep-regression hypnotherapy might dredge something up from that spectacular Hunter S. Thompson drunk fuelled romp. Even my socks were funnier.
The ad falls flatly into the same festering pool that gave us the thankfully banned puerile Budweiser 'girly scream' shite - although you could charitably argue that there was a concept in the Bud ad.
Here, Carlsberg ditch decades of smart heritage in favour of a lame one hit, one layered, onanistic flop.
I really don't even care to find out who made it, shot it or produced it. I can only presume it is so lacking in any redeeming features that it must have been some "rent-a-brit" "shit-hot" director helping us paddies "raise the bar" of Irish advertising.
Next time, Diageo: pick creative 'A' or Creative 'B'. Trust me, creative 'C' really does just stand for crap.
Worst Carlsberg ad ever?
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