Thursday, July 26, 2007

Sublime in the Coke you nut

elevated or lofty in thought, language, etc.: Paradise Lost is sublime poetry.
impressing the mind with a sense of grandeur or power; inspiring awe, veneration, etc.: Switzerland has sublime scenery.

The definition might suck but the ad is 100% pure awe. Where can I get me a ringtone like that ..?

Duh-duh-duh duh-duh-duh duh-duh-duh duuuuh Duh-duh-duh duh-duh-duh duh-duh-duh duuuuh Duh-duh-duh duh-duh-duh duh-duh-duh duuuuh.

I'd like to teach the world to create advertising like this. Simple, heart-warming, high in heart-clogging, obesity inducing palm sugar and, best of all, delivers the brand promise - a smile.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Carlsberg + BOI = WTF?


Why-oh-why, or more importantly, how-oh-how did these abominations pass through sphincter after sphincter and onto our television screens?

'Leave 'em wanting more' is all very well but for god sake give us something in the first place! Sure, both have production values coming out of the wazoos and are superbly cast/shot/posted and whatever else. Both also are vacuous to the max.
I'm prepared to forgive BOI cuz they're bankers and really don't ever want to say anything in their ads in case it draws us little people's attention to how they actually make their money.

But Carlsberg? If you really want funny stories from a J1 trip to Boston - Ask me. I'm sure deep-regression hypnotherapy might dredge something up from that spectacular Hunter S. Thompson drunk fuelled romp. Even my socks were funnier.
The ad falls flatly into the same festering pool that gave us the thankfully banned puerile Budweiser 'girly scream' shite - although you could charitably argue that there was a concept in the Bud ad.

Here, Carlsberg ditch decades of smart heritage in favour of a lame one hit, one layered, onanistic flop.

I really don't even care to find out who made it, shot it or produced it. I can only presume it is so lacking in any redeeming features that it must have been some "rent-a-brit" "shit-hot" director helping us paddies "raise the bar" of Irish advertising.
Next time, Diageo: pick creative 'A' or Creative 'B'. Trust me, creative 'C' really does just stand for crap.
Worst Carlsberg ad ever?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

"I had a great idea for an advertisement..."

Don't you just hate it when a member of the great unwashed puts down his pint, and decides to share with you their fantastic idea for an ad.
In almost every case, it's bad. And would probably cost about 2 million euros.
And it's no less irritating when a fellow creative tries to come up with suggestions for a job that's none of their business.
It's the equivelant of unasked for assistance when you're doing a crossword.

Of course, this never stopped me from proffering unsolicited advice. So here's my tip to Young Euro RSCG for their next Bulmers (or Magners) orchardy thing.
The outrageously underrated XTC have a track on their 1986 album "Skylarking" called "Season Cycle" which I've always thought would be perfect for Bulmers.

Go on, Youngs, have a listen. It's only 99 cent.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Alan Who?

The problem with advertising in Ireland is that it's a small world.
The population of the entire island is slightly under 6 million, and most of the larger agencies are in Dublin.
Larger agencies in an Irish context means anywhere there's more than 35 employees.
And there's probably no more than eight or nine places that big. Though there are plenty of really good smaller outfits, doing good work.
Which means that it's a relatively incestuous business. Everyone knows everyone else.
And strangely enough, there aren't lot of Alans. In fact, off the top of our collective heads, we can only think of one.
So we would like to categorically state, this blog has nothing to do with Alan Kelly, CD in Cawley Nea.
Nor any other Alan. Or Alanis.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Ad of the day

In these days of incessant monsoon rain, this is a topical ad from Canada. Snow globes are a hoary old chestnut in the Art Director's drawer, but this has a decent twist.

That time of the year again...

To go or not to go, that is the question. To Kinsale, that is. Of course, this question doesn't apply if your agency isn't in the habit of sending people down (it's not inexpensive). Or perhaps it's not your turn this year.
We've just been asked if we want to go, and to be honest, we're a bit lukewarm about it. For a start we've nothing in - there's a limit to your enthusiasm for smilingly applauding other folk picking up awards.
But mainly its the gargantuan amount of alcohol consumed over the weekend. Generally speaking, physical recovery doesn't kick in until the following Thursday. And there's no point in saying you'll take it handy - you're merely deluding yourself.
Incidentally, the judges this year are:
Mal Stevenson, Creative Director, Irish International BBDO
Tony McTear, Creative Director, TBWA, London
Kieron J Walsh, Blinder Films, Dublin
Craig ‘Moose’ Moore, Clemenger BBDO, Sydney
Alexander Zelmanovics, Chief Creative Officer, Lowe GGK, Vienna

Btw, what the hell is a "Chief Creative Officer"?

The first faltering steps of an Irish Creative Blog...

Welcome to our humble blog.
As far as we know, this is the first Irish blog of an Irish advertising creative team, with subject matter loosely focussing on creative matters and the ad business in general.
We'e not really sure what we're going to post here, or how often. It'll probably be rambling and incoherent. And when work gets in the way, we'll presumably forget all about it.

So that's it, first post over and done with.

Btw, if you want to respond to our inane ranting, please feel welcome.